On The Land is a 16mm short film showcasing the work and processes of one of Australia's most renowned wood-fired ceramicists. We spent a few days out on his property in York in the freezing cold to document the wood firing process as well as time in his Palmyra studio capturing the building of the pieces. Stewart, together with his wife Trish, grow trees on their property which then becomes the fire wood, he digs and mixes his own clay, everything is a closed loop and the results are astounding. This film & Stewart's work were showcased at Bunbury Regional Art Gallery & John Curtin Gallery here at home in Western Australia, Stewart won the prestigious 2023 John Stringer Prize for his work. The entire film was shot on a Super 16 converted Bolex H16 Rex 5, we shot through four rolls of Kodak 16mm film, 3x 250D & 1x 50D. The film was processed by Rewind Photo Lab & scanned by Memory Lab Film.